The following steps are for adding a new device to your dashboard
Last updated
The following steps are for adding a new device to your dashboard
Last updated
Step 1: Go to
Click "Connect Wallet" in the upper right hand corner of the webpage.
Step 2: Select wallet and connect wallet via the QR code that displays.
Click "Sign in" and confirm in your wallet.
Click "Go to Dashboard"
Step 3: Enter required information into the text fields.
Enter your e-mail address, First Name, and Last Name.
Click "Sign in" and confirm in your wallet.
Click "Go to Dashboard"
PoC Wallet will already be created for you. This wallet will pay for all your node or miner PoC transactions. You will be required to manually send ALGO to this wallet. This will be the wallet used by all devices. You will not have the private key or seed phrase to this wallet . In Pera Mobile, you can watch this address so you can monitor the ALGO balance.
You will only fill this information out the very first time you log in with your wallet. This will auto populate the provided information for ever new or existing node or miner.
Step 4: Adding a new node or miner.
On the dashboard, click "Add"
Enter your miner key in the text box, click "register"
Device Information:
Email, First Name, and Last name are pre-populated. Update information as needed
Enter the Nickname for your miner. This will be displayed on the dashboard.
Click "next"
Wallet Information:
Enter you Algorand reward wallet address manually or by hitting the clipboard icon. Ensure you are opted-in to the reward token for this miner (i.e Fry 1.0, Fry 2.0, fNODE, etc.)
The PoC wallet will be pre-populated and cannot be changed. This will be the same wallet used by all miners. You will not have the private key or seed phrase to this wallet.
Enter the note that will be displayed on all PoC transactions.
Click "next"
Map Information:
Find your location on the map. Click the map to move the pin.
You can alternatively enter the Latitude and Longitude or your home address in the "search location field".
Click "confirm", then "save"
Start of node and monetized miner section. Skip to the next orange box if this does not apply to you.
You will now be asked to stake $50 in the appropriate segment token for your node/miner.
Once you click each button you will be taken to your wallet where you will confirm the amont required to stake. Each button is a seperate transacction.
This is what your screen will look like when both are staked properly.
Click "Next"
End of node and monetized miner section. Resume below.
You will now be brought back to the dashboard where you will see your miner.
Up top, you will see the total number of registered, unverified, and verified miners.
Edit the miner information at any time by clicking the pencil and pad icon to the right of the miner name.
To verify, click "v-stake" where you will be given an option to choose between 24 hour (1.5x) or 6 month (3x) staking. The required staking amount is pre-populated.
The claim reward button will be available to click for rewards that have met the 30 day threshold. You will see this number in the "claimable reward" field.
You can always instantly move your "pending reward" amount to be claimable for a 30% fee.
Reward history will show your reward amount each day for that specific miner. You can also see how many more days are left until you can claim each days reward.
The trash icon is used to delete your registration. A miner cannot be deleted without first removing both registration staked amounts by clicking "withdraw all" and withdrawing your verification stake. All unclaimed rewards for this miner will be lost if you delete the registration. You can always add a miner back later on.